Young people don’t need to have experienced issues with their mental health to find our Wellbeing Action Plan helpful. It’s a practical tool that they can personalise and return to, with advice on how to take care of their mental health, when they might need help and how to access support, as well as ideas from other students.
Please note that you can also use this with Key Stage 4 pupils. Rather than handing it out to all your pupils, however, we suggest you use it with individuals as a way to hold a supportive conversation with them.
Use the plan to help the individual identify their strengths and take care of their wellbeing when they’re struggling. It will also help ensure an adult picks up on any unhelpful thoughts they might be having, as well as helping communication with the student’s parents/carers and ensuring consistency of support between home and school.
We have a similar resource for younger pupils: Wellbeing Action Plan for children
And remember to look after your own wellbeing with our new Wellbeing Action Plan for adults.